This week for me personally has been interesting and exciting. As an artist myself, I realize and have taken heed to the shift of the music industry from the standpoint of my development as an artist. There is much more of an independence needed in today’s music business, not too many artists and groups rely on major labels to launch them into a career of success anymore. Artists can essentially become successful almost entirely on their own, and not be held captive to the binding contracts that major labels have artists sign their lives away to. The amount of information available, along with opportunities to a budding artist like myself now a days are almost endless. With help from websites like YouTube, CDbaby, Sonicbids, Pledge Music, Jango airplay,, Disc Makers and Zazzle, an independent or “Indie” artist can in essence run their entire music career on their own or with the help of a small self-created team.

There are so many different websites out there today that are in favor of the indie artist, the world-wide web is the new “must have” tool for an artist to have a shot at a successful music career.  These websites range in focus, but are all a very beneficial to indie artists and their careers. An artist cannot only get exposure and establish a fan base following online, but music can be sold, and distributed through these online sources, you can find gigs to perform at, get radio airplay on the web, find funding to help your act, and even sell and distribute merchandise of your respective brand. Business that was once handled by the major “Momma” record labels can now be done BY YOURSELF!

I have been doing a few things myself to help get some exposure to my act recently, and so far things are going in a positive direction. What these sites help do is give you a name. It would be wise for any developing artists and acts to certainly take advantage of the tools now available to the public.  DEVELOP YOURSELF!!! 

If you or someone you know is a developing artist that wants to do more with their career check out these websites: